Holding Yourself Accountable in 2014

My first post of the new year! Better yet, my first post in a few months. Many people keep asking me why I haven’t posted. So here I am… holding myself accountable. I haven’t been posting because I haven’t been on the right track. With the delicious food from the holidays combined with my new found love for the weekend happy hour and a handful of lunch and dinner outings with old friends, I have completely lost my consistency, and some of my motivation. I’m not afraid to admit this because it happens to the best of us. Though, I have to say, this is the most I’ve “let myself go” since my initial weight-loss. I’m not saying I sat and ate doughnuts every day, but I let myself say “yes” to every restaurant invitation, craving, and night out on the town. I let myself believe that because I had “all this muscle” now, I wouldn’t gain as much weight. Boy, was I wrong. Not only do I have “all this muscle”, but “all this fat” has become it’s neighbor. I haven’t had a consistent week in about two months, which is why I have not been posting. How can I motivate everyone else to eat healthy when I couldn’t even motivate myself?


I can come up with every excuse, my sprained ankle, my shin splints, my schoolwork, and my social life. But it all comes down to the fact that I was just not mentally there. Just because there were times when I couldn’t physically work out didn’t mean that my diet had to change. That’s why it’s all a package deal. Yes, the diet needs to be 100%, but for me the workouts motivate me to keep my diet at 100%. Without my workouts I feel lazy. Laziness produces cravings. Cravings sometimes win, but that’s up to you. I kept up with my workouts as much as I could, but even those were lacking, and I can thank my poor diet for that.


If anything, the quote above explains my attitude on my current weight gain and lack of performance in the gym. I wasn’t committed, I wasn’t motivated, I wasn’t getting results. So, after a long and eventful vacation from my lifestyle centered on health and fitness, It’s safe to say that I am back. I’m aware that it is my last semester of college so it will be filled with temptations, but I am happiest when I’m at my healthiest. And happy is the only thing I want to be for my last semester at Ohio University.


I know how this process works, and I am ready to mentally commit. In 2014, I hope to reach my goals and stay positive. I’ll continue my commitment to Crossfit and add some cardio back in (as long as I don’t sprain my ankle this time). As for my readers, follow me on this journey and stay tuned for some fun new posts involving Food, Fashion & Fitness.

Overcoming Laziness.

“Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.”
-Jules Renard

I stumbled upon this quote at the perfect time today. I was exhausted and wasn’t going to go workout. I figured I’d just run, but I don’t always hold myself accountable. I was truly feeling lazy, and that was that. I saw that quote and it made me immediately rethink missing out on the WOD. I wasn’t dying, I didn’t have anything better to do, and at the end of the day being at the box is my favorite part of my day. I will also be at the beach this weekend celebrating the holidays. There will be very little working out. I figured I can work hard this week and “play hard” as they say, and relax, this weekend. Usually, if I was that tired, I wouldn’t push myself too hard to go. With how I’ve been working out, I’ve been able to really get to know how far I can push my body. I take my rest days when I feel I need them. They are unplanned, and it has truly helped my performance in the gym. I know you don’t always have to be (and it is almost impossible to be) 100% during a workout. I feel myself slowly getting better after each rest day I take. Many people outside the gym ask me how many days a week I go to Crossfit. I will WOD five times a week. One day a week I reserve for a 3-5 mile run. One day a week I will rest. Sometimes two. I used to WOD 5 days in a row and I’d feel myself getting exhausted by the end of that week. Lately I’ve been taking a day in the middle of that to recuperate and come back and finish strong at the end of the week. I know I’m talking like I’m some Olympic athlete. I’m nowhere near elite, but if you are a Crossfitter, you know how seriously it is sometimes taken. Yes, it’s always fun. But to everyone it isn’t just a workout. We aren’t there to burn calories, we’re there to kick each others asses, and more importantly cheer on the last ass that’s working. It’s a sport, an escape, a social part of our lives. We eat sleep and breathe crossfit. Everyone looks forward to that hour or so spent at the box. If two days pass and I haven’t hook griped a barbell or felt like I was dying… I start feeling like Lindsey Lohan in rehab. I get withdrawal.

What I am trying to say is…Sometimes the best workouts are when you don’t want to do them. Not because they are extremely hard, but because you thought that you couldn’t do it. You thought you were too tired. And after that workout… you proved yourself wrong. Proving yourself wrong is like crack to crossfitters (and people in general). I can’t RX this workout. I can’t lift…I’m a girl …Yeah, you can. You said screw you to your inner lazy asshole who wanted you to stay on the couch and watch Dexter for 5 hours (that’s what I would have done).

Lia and I doing the damn thing.

So, I’m sitting here watching Dexter. I pushed through that workout earlier, and NOW I can sit on my ass all night. Solid. I ate a banana with a littttle too much almond butter… I’m starting the whole life challenge next week and Justins almond butter is not whole 30 approved people. Therefore; I have to get rid of it. Anyone else use that excuse?


Nope? Just me? …Okay.